
Queue Management Systems

TecStore supplies "Call Forward", "Take a Ticket" and "Order Collection" type of queue management systems to help improve and manage the flow of visitors within your surgery practice, bank, post office, retail shop, pharmacy, embassy / consulate, hospital, university, government or council department, or citizen service organisation as well as fast food takeaway and retail collection businesses. Our queuing solutions are reliable, affordable, quick to set up and do not require any monthly or annual license fees.

Our queue management systems range from simple, single-queue self-install products through to more sophisticated multi-screen multi-queue systems with large digital multimedia signage screens, wireless and wired operator consoles, Android / Windows / Browser-based virtual operator apps, touch screen kiosks, counter-top LCD displays, real-time queue monitoring apps and management reporting software. Whether you operate a walk-in consular service or a busy retail store, we offer many different types of QMS solutions to suit your needs of assisting customers, patients, visitors, citizens and staff - see our Buying Advice section below.

The above queue systems are our most popular QMS configurations. We can also supply and customise other queuing solutions for all types of queue management requirements - call us on 020 8936 7000 (Mon-Fri 9am-5pm, Sat 10am-4pm UK time), International +44 20 8936 7000, or use our Online Enquiry Form.

There are no ongoing monthly or annual license fees to use our digital Queue Management Systems. Simply pay once to purchase the entire system outright including all necessary hardware, accessories and software licenses.

Installation and configuration services are available (at additional cost subject to prior Site Survey) which also includes system manager training.

Following delivery, we provide 1 year free remote support. For support requirements thereafter you can either pay ad-hoc as any requirements arise or optionally take out a Remote Support Subscription. On-site Call-Outs and Support Subscriptions are available - please contact us with your address for a quote.

Buying Advice for Queue Management Systems

Benefits of Queue Management Systems
Queue Management Systems are an essential facility in busy environments where large number of customers or visitors are expected. They allow efficient processing of visitors, they keep waiting visitors informed of progress, they promptly identify the next visitor being called, they help reduce walk-aways at busy times or when there is a staff shortage, they prevent disorder and incidents among queueing visitors, and they can provide management reports and statistics on visitor volumes, waiting times and analysis of services provided.
Types of Queueing Systems
We offer a variety of different QMS solutions. Below is an explanation of the different types of systems available.
1. Next Available Counter / Call Forward
Suitable where there is a single queue and multiple desks for walk-in customers.

This is a simple front of queue system where there are no tickets, appointments, pre-registration or order numbers - customers simply arrive and stand in line in a waiting queue. The customer at the front of the queue is called to the next available counter.

These systems typically have one or more displays showing the Counter Number that is currently free. A voice announcement module can be included. Each Counter/Desk has a wired or wireless button to call the next customer to their particular counter.

Additional displays with the Counter Number can be mounted at each counter showing the counter number, with flashing display to denote availability.

These types of simple queue systems are popular in high street stores such as retail shops, post offices and banks.

When requesting a quote for these queue systems you will need to tell us:
- How many Main Displays are required
- How many Counter Buttons (wired or wireless) are required
- How many Counter Number Displays are required
2. Order Collection
Order Collection queue systems are suitable for food/drink collection in busy fast food takeaways and item collection in retail stores and warehouses.

The customer will have pre-ordered their item/s and have been given an Order Number. Items are then collected from a single collection point or area. These types of systems are seen in operation at many branches of McDonalds and Argos for example.

One or more large screens with colour-coded sections show the Order Number which is ready to collect, recent Order Numbers which have been called already awaiting collection, and Order Numbers that are still being prepared.

A touchscreen control panel allows the staff member to key in Order Number and mark off collected Orders. If there are multiple collection areas, then the area code (A, B, C etc) can also be included.

When requesting a quote for these queue systems you will need to tell us:
- How many Main Display Screens are required
- Desired screen size (we offer from 28" to 80"+)
- How many collection points/areas you operate
3. Take a Ticket - Walk-In
Take a Ticket queue systems are used where there are a number of walk-in customers in a waiting area to be seen or served at one or more desks, counters or consulting rooms.

Customers or visitors walk into the facility and on arrival they take a ticket from a dispenser or printer, and then sit in a waiting area. Ticket numbers are then called on one or more large displays, with a voice announcement. If there are multiple counters/desks/rooms, then the related Counter Number will be included.

These types of QMS solutions are for hospital departments, emergency rooms, doctors surgeries, health clinics, treatment rooms, solicitors practices and embassy / consular visa issuing facilities.

On our more sophisticated queue systems, the ticket dispenser will allow the visitor to select on a touchscreen the type of requirement (eg. Medicine Collection, Blood Test, Consultation). That way ticket numbers can be prefixed (eg. A, B, C) and multiple queues may be managed and monitored.

When requesting a quote for these queue systems you will need to tell us:
- How many Main Display Screens are required
- Desired screen size (we offer from 28" to 80"+)
- How many different counters/desks/rooms you operate
- How many different service codes are required
4. Appointment
Appointment based queue systems are where visitors have already arranged an appointment at a facility either online, by email, telephone or at a prior visit such as for a driving test, immigration interview, passport collection, doctors or hospital consultation,

On arrival the visitor checks in, either on a touchscreen system or through a human receptionist, to confirm their scheduled arrival. The visitor then sits in the waiting area. A pre-issued or newly issued Ticket Number is then displayed on a large screen in the waiting area when their turn arrives, with a voice announcement. If there are multiple counters/desks/rooms, then the related Counter Number will be included.

When requesting a quote for these queue systems you will need to tell us:
- How many Main Display Screens are required
- Desired screen size (we offer from 28" to 80"+)
- How many different desks/counters/rooms you operate
- How many different service codes are required

QMS Installation Service

Our high-end QMS systems are offered with an optional UK-wide and Worldwide installation and configuration service - call us on 020 8936 7000 (Mon-Fri 9am-5pm, Sat 10am-4pm UK time), International +44 20 8936 7000, or use our Online Enquiry Form with your postcode(s) and queue management system requirements for a quote. We can give you a guideline estimate by phone or email on the overall system supply cost.

Whether you have a single location or a chain of branches or offices, we can provide a full installation and configuration service, together with maintenance contracts.

A chargeable Site Survey visit to your premises for a more detailed pre-installation assessment at your premises can be undertaken to specify the cabling, networking and screen/sign fitting details, either for us to provide installation or your own I.T. / Electrical / Building Services contractor.

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